Repost-New Exercise Routine
This is a repost of mine from BB. It could easily be tweaked for a new years resolution one, but I've not yet. Caroline loved her new exercise routine. Monday, Tue, Wed, and Thursday nights as soon as she got home, she changed into her workout clothes. She’d pour a glass of wine in a solid water bottle, and go for a 10 minute walk, sipping her wine. Then it was back to her apartment, where she’d do her stretches. Then the real workout began, circuits. She’d pour a glass of wine, and do 10 squats, sipping her wine. Then she did 10 pushups. Then she had a third glass as she did 10 jumping jacks. By then, she was usually pretty tipsy, so she'd finish with 10 dead bugs. If she had things to do, she’d stop there, usually Tue and Wed night. Tuesday was date night with her boyfriend. Luckily, they lived in the city, so she did not need to drive, just transit, uber, or her boyfriend drove. With drinks for dinner, she usually ended up pretty drunk if not wasted. But they both loved i...