
    Couln't quite come up with an image or images for this work of fiction.

After a long day hitting slopes, Ashley and her mother Lavern like to soak in the hot tub, drinking hot toddies and hitting some weed. 18 year old Ashley is really too young, but her mom lets her, so long as she's responsible about it. Well, as responsible as her. Lavern tends to get wasted, so she couldn’t be a hypocrite. She just tries to be a good role model for her daughter.

“Donn ged too wayssed baby,” Lavern slurred as she unsteadily got up out of the tub, drink in hand. She knocked it back and said, “Mommy's had enough ann is gonna bed.”

“I wonn mozzer”, Alysa said, with a wink to her boyfreind, unseen by her folks. “Gooond night mom, gooond night dad.”

“Good night, Ashley, good night John” Ashley's dad told her and her boyfreind, as he helped Lavern out of the tub.

“Gooond night kids, behave yourselves. Donn doo anythin' i wouldnn doo,” Levern told them, as she discreetly slipped her hand into her husbands trunks.

Once they were gone Ashley proceeded to drink her glass, before saying to John, “Finally. Light me 'nuzzer joinn. I wanna ged wayssed.” As she removed her top, and poured another drink. 

“I thought you told your mother you wouldn’t get too wasted?” John asked as he lit her a joint.

“S'longas i doan ged more wayssed 'an i wanna, im nod stoo wayssed,” she explained before she took a long hit of the joint. “Ah.  I love genn wayssed.  Now ged yer cock oud ann fffuck me.  Ann doan worry, my moms genn more wayssed ann fucked by my dad, sooo iss ok.”

“You have the coolest Mom,” John said as he moved Ashleys thong aside and began to fuck her. 

“Thass fer surrre.  Ann hod too,” Ashley said between sips of toddie and hits of the joint. 

“You said it, not me; but I agree,” John said.

“Doan worry, i doan mine few thing my mom is hod. Hell, geddusss both wayssed enough ann wee might led yoo fffuck us both.” John wisely didn’t say anything. He suspected it was true though. Hell, just yesterday on the private jet Lavern had let him fuck her once Ashley had passed out, since she was wasted and her husband was meeting them at the resort. 


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