Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras: Grace, Faith, and Hope.
“Led the gooond times roll,” the busty latina slurred, holding up her glass of whiskey up, unaware
that her big tits were rolling out of her small bra.
“I nowe i am rollin', faith,” the less endowed but topless girl beside her slurred, the lsd she’d
just taken now dissolved on her tongue.
Faith knocked back her whiskey. She let it warm her belly, and then said, “Pour me a zzrink grace.” referring to the bottle in Graces hand.
Grace, bumping the bottle against her nose before finding her mouth, took a swig, before
telling Faith, “Im too zzzrunk. Juzz taze the boll.”
“Heyyyy, i thodded yoo said thadduzz yer lazz zzrink, Faith,” the blue haired girl slurred, taking
the bottle from Grace and taking a drink.
“I said thadduzz my lazz wiskey, hope,” the latina told her friend, before snatching the bottle from Hope.
“Oh yah, 'kay faith,” acknowledged Hope.
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